Polenta is nothing more than coarsely ground cornmeal. The classic ratio is 1 part polenta to 4 parts water, but I like to measure the polenta just a little...
This is a very tasty way to serve a very healthy grain that is often overlooked. I never use the mushrooms as I don't care for them and often add chopped...
This is a basic recipe for a very easy and versatile dish. You can eat it like hot cereal, or chill it and then fry it. This goes well with syrup as a...
This versatile side dish would work great along with pork, chicken, beef or fish. The trick is to slowly add the cornmeal and whisk constantly to avoid...
Quinoa is a healthy grain that can be substituted in most recipes for rice or couscous. I recently experimented with quinoa and made this dish which my...
If you're from the South you will definitely love this recipe, which includes grits, eggs, sausage, and cheese. When I cook it, I place it in the slow...
Why stir polenta forever when this delicious recipe works beautifully? I like to roast veggies (eggplant, zucchini, onion) while the polenta bakes, then...
My entire family loves this recipe. A quick baked polenta topped with red sauce. Very easy to make and great the next day too (and the day after that!)...
Rich, tomato-based casserole made with sweet Italian sausage, baked in a polenta crust and topped with mozzarella cheese. This is a great substitution...
Simple directions on how to cook plain polenta. There are many options for polenta once it is cooked: you can mix in fresh herbs and cheeses, bake it,...
A fairly quick and simple recipe that utilizes store bought sauce and polenta to save time for busy folks. This casserole is VERY rich, so use small servings....
Quinoa is a delicately flavored grain, native to South America. It can be found in most health food stores. For even more flavorful pilaf, use vegetable...
As a healthier alternative to Mexican or Spanish rice, this version uses gluten-free quinoa instead of rice for its additional protein and fiber and great...
This is a great, flavorful way to prepare grits. You can also use mild sausage and less or no hot sauce if you prefer not to have the extra spice. This...
A Southern tradition, creamy cheese grits with a zip of spice makes for a perfect side dish to barbecue, or for a holiday get together. They were always...
This is a delicious and savory curried barley dish. It is fabulous as a main dish, or as a side dish with fish or grilled chicken breast. It is quite simple...
Want a different family side dish but with flavors sure to please? Then try this. With some store-bought polenta in a tube and a few other ingredients,...
Quinoa is the ultimate super food. Cook it like rice in a rice cooker or on the stove with chicken broth, soy sauce, green onions, ginger, and garlic,...
Ground turkey, beans, polenta, and just the right seasonings make this dish amazing! My family devours this time and time again. I love the way the polenta...
This tabbouleh is as authentic as you can get! It's a compilation of recipes I've taken from my mother, mother-in-law, grandmother, and various cookbooks....
Every time I make this someone wants the recipe. It is great if you have overnight guests. Make it ahead and enjoy the morning with them. Check for doneness...